Professional Bird Removal

Expert Wildlife Removal MN

One of our most common calls in Plymouth is Bird removal. Like most animals, they are searching for shelter. We find them and their nests in many places on homes. Chimneys, vents and attics are the more common locations. We have a great team of professionals and we are ready to help you remove the birds and keep them from getting back in with our proven exclusion methods. Call us for help at 866-918-2151.

Unfortunately, they are not just a nuisance. They bring insects and disease with them. In addition, they will create plenty of damage to your home as they find shelter in or on your home. Call us for help removing them and cleaning up the mass they leave behind. There may even be dead birds to be removed. You will not want to attempt this on your own as they often carry disease. Call Beast Wildlife Solutions for help right away.

Birds in Attic

Birds can easily make their way into the attic of your home or business in Hennepin County. Catching the problem early is key. As soon as you are aware of them you should call us. The sooner they are gone, the better. They create toxic droppings and usually bring other insects if left alone. We will inspect your attic and offer the best plan to remove them from your attic, clean and make any necessary repairs.

An important part of our process is exclusion. This involves sealing any openings to keep more birds or animals from coming in. Then we can move on to clean up and repairs . Sanitation and safety are vital in this process.

Birds in Vents

Birds are also commonly found in the vents on your roof. These can be dryer vents or bathroom vents that are necessary for your home. Birds may put nesting materials in them causing blockages. We can clear them out and seal them to ensure that they won’t come back.

Commercial Bird Removal

Businesses in Plymouth are often affected by birds. They can cause many problems for our local commercial buildings. We can complete an inspection and provide you with the best plan to control them. Spikes, netting or other methods may be part of the plan to make sure the problem does not continue. Droppings can be dangerous for your patrons and employees. It can contaminate the air and cause illness. It is also very unsightly at your entrance. Call us right away for an inspection. Don’t allow diseases to spread because of bird infestation.

Pigeon Control

There are many types of nuisance birds but, Pigeons are very common in Plymouth. Droppings from them are filled with bacteria, fungi and nematodes that are health hazards for people. in Plymouth can be a serious health hazard to humans. They also carry many parasites like lice, fleas and ticks. Diseases like salmonella and cryptococcosis are carried by them as well.

Damages to commercial buildings can be great from pigeons as well. The droppings left by them can deteriorate concrete, shingles, paint, wood and other materials on your building. They love areas like eaves, rooftops, attics and even HVAC units on the roof. Once they build a nest, they will not leave. You need professional help to get them to leave. We can help. Call us and schedule a time for us to assess your situation.